Why is the color of brick red? Is any color mixed in it or is the reason something else!

Why is the color of brick red: In this era of inflation, every person wants to have a house of his own. For this, people work hard throughout their life and save money. So that you can build your dream home in no time. Many essential things are needed to build a house, such as cement, wood, iron and brick etc. The most important thing in this is brick. Big buildings are made of bricks only. You must have seen that the brick is of red colour. But, have you ever thought that why the color of brick is red only? Why are they not made of any other color like blue, yellow or green? Is any color added to it? Let’s tell the reason behind this color of brick…

These elements are in the brick

Smooth yellow soil is used to make bricks. Brick making soil contains 50 to 70 percent sand. Apart from this, it contains 20-30 percent alumina, 2 to 5 percent lime, 1 percent magnesium and 7 percent iron. This clay is given the shape of a brick by putting it in a mold for making bricks. After drying it in the sun for a few days, it is baked in a furnace at high temperature (about 875 to 900 ° C) for a long time to strengthen it.

That’s why the color of brick is red

Iron and other metals react at such a high temperature. Oxides of iron and other metals combine with alumina silica to form iron oxide and this iron oxide gives the red color to the brick.

Brick size changes after cooking

You may be surprised to know that the brick which is made from clay with the help of mould, after baking in the furnace, it becomes about 10 percent smaller than the raw brick. Means these bricks shrink after getting heat in the furnace. Not only this, these bricks become very solid after baking in the furnace. So solid that these baked bricks are then used to make houses and buildings. These bricks baked in the furnace are so strong that after being installed in the houses, they keep them strong and safe for centuries.

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