Why is the silencer of a tractor facing forward, what is the reason for keeping it in the air? you might not know

When modern equipment came into farming, the use of tractors also got encouraged. Gradually, when the use of tractors increased by abandoning oxen, farmers also benefited because their fields could be plowed in less time. But there are many facts related to tractors about which people have very little knowledge. For example, take the silencer of a tractor. You must have noticed that the silencer of the tractor (Why tractor silencers in front) is always towards the front. Whereas the silencer of other vehicles is at the back or side. Do you know the reason?

Under News18 Hindi’s series ‘Ajab-Gajab Gyan’, we bring for you such information related to the country and the world which surprises everyone. Today we are talking about tractor silencers (Tractor silencers in front reason). In fact, recently someone asked on the social media platform Quora – “The silencer in tractors is always installed at the front, whereas in other vehicles it is at the rear”, what is the benefit of this?” Some people have also answered this.

People gave this answer on Quora
Quora user Animesh Kumar Sinha said- “The answer to this question in one line is that the silencer of the tractor is always installed at the front because the exhaust of the tractor is at the front and the silencer is always installed along with the exhaust. Its exhaust is not placed at the rear like normal vehicles because other vehicles are designed to run on the road, but tractors are designed for off-road conditions, i.e. in off-road conditions. In off-road conditions, the distance from the ground can be very low, due to which the exhaust pipe can break and water and mud can also enter it, that is why the exhaust of the tractor is not only in the front, but also opens upwards instead of straight.

For this reason the silencer is fitted at the front
The answers given by people on Quora are correct. Let us now tell you what the answer is technically. According to Engineering Talks, if the exhaust was facing downwards, the smoke from the tractor could have ruined the crops while working in the fields. For this reason, it is raised above so that the smoke does not spoil the fields and goes completely up. The reason for keeping it at the front is that the exhaust is located at the front and the silencer is also installed at the front. Apart from this, there is also a difference in the size of tractor tyres. The next two tires are smaller and are used only to determine direction. Whereas the last two tires are bigger so that the tractor can lift the load.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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