Why Meta Removes 32 Million Pieces Of Bad Content On Facebook Instagram

Meta: Meta has removed 32 million pieces of content from its platform in India. In this, 29.2 million pieces of useless content have been removed from Facebook and more than 2.7 million from Instagram. Here we are talking about the month of October. The company has removed 32 million content in the month of October. It is reported that the company has removed this content in October under Facebook’s 13 and Instagram’s 12 policies. Between October 1 and 31, Meta had received a total of 703 complaints through its Indian Grievance Mechanism. Action was taken against some of these complaints. The company said that it has provided tools to users to resolve 516 complaints.

This is the reason for the removal

Due to complaints received from users, 32 million content has been removed. The company has received these complaints through the Grievance Mechanism. Meta has received a total of 703 complaints. Out of these, the company has helped the users by solving 516. It was further informed that out of these 187 reports required special investigation. According to the company, it checked the content as per its policy and action has been taken on a total of 120 reports under the new IT Rule, 2021. Apart from this, 67 reports have been investigated, but no action has been taken on them.

so many complaints received for instagram

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For Instagram, the company received a total of 1,377 complaints through their Indian Grievance Mechanism. Of all the reports received, Meta resolved 982 cases, and helped users. Regarding another 395 reports, Meta checked the content as per its policies and took action on a total of 274 reports. The company said that the remaining 121 reports have also been investigated, but no decision has been taken to take action on them. Now there is also a question that why Meta is investigating all this? The answer is linked to the new IT Rule 2021. As per the new IT Rules 2021, it is mandatory for digital and social media platforms with more than 50 lakh users to submit monthly compliance reports.

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