Why Our Elbow Hits A Hard Surface Feels Currents In Body Know Funny Bone Funda

Health Tips: It would often happen to you that accidentally or unknowingly, if the elbow collides with something, then instead of pain, there is an electric shock. Why does this happen It is really surprising to feel electric current instead of pain when the elbow suddenly hits. But the reason for this has been explained in the medical term. Actually, if the elbow collides somewhere, then that current is called funny bone, while in medical language it is called ulnar nerve. The funny thing is that the feeling of electric current is felt only when the elbow is hit, if any other part of the body is hit, instead of current, a wave of pain arises there. Let us know what is actually electric shock in the elbow and how it happens.

why is there a funny bone

Experts say that actually a special nerve called ulnar nerve causes this current. This nerve passes through our shoulder, neck and reaches the wrist through the hand. And then from the wrist, this nerve reaches the ring finger and the smallest finger. This is not an ordinary nerve, this nerve works as a postman in the body, that is, the message received from the brain is conveyed to the rest of the body through this nerve.

There is no protection of funny bone at the delicate place

Although in the rest of the body from where this nerve passes, the part there remains safe between the bone, skin or joints, but the elbow is the place where this nerve is covered only by delicate skin. That is, as soon as anything gets hurt here, the nerve gets hurt first. As soon as something collides, the nerve gets a shock, due to which the body feels like a current. If there is more meat here, then there will probably be less current. But here there is no place for much flesh and only thin skin covers the nerve, so any stumble or injury here first shocks the nerve and as soon as the nerve is excited, the body feels like current or tickle.

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