Why there is no liquor bottle in litre, what is the math of pole, addha and pauwa?

Liquor/Wine Bottle Size: Liquor is such a drink that is appreciated in every corner of the world. Some people drink alcohol on the pretext of forgetting the sorrows of life, while some drink alcohol to celebrate happiness. That is, everyone has their own excuses for drinking alcohol. In such a situation, today we tell you about a fact related to alcohol. Actually, the scale of measuring alcohol in all the countries of the world including India is very interesting. The liquor bottles available in the market are sold in the form of full i.e. pillar, half i.e. half and quarter i.e. pauva. But, the interesting fact here is that a full bottle of liquor is of 750 ml. And there is 375 ml liquor in half. The size of a quarter is 180ml. However, in some countries of the world, liquor is also sold in litres. 1000ml and 500ml unit liquor bottles are available in America.

Looking at the standard way, any liquid is measured in the scale of liters. In this case, full means one liter i.e. 1000ml. Similarly half should mean 500ml and quarter should mean 250ml. But, there is a custom to measure alcohol in a different way. Here full means 750ml.

where did this pattern come from
Actually, India has been under British rule for a long time. For this reason, there are many such things in the country in which we have naturally followed the British standard. This is related to the size of the liquor bottle. The countries that were under the British Empire have adopted this pattern. The main logic behind this is the peg size. A user has written a long post about this on the Quora website. One pattern is that the size of a big peg is 60ml and the size of a small peg is 30ml. In this case, the packing of liquor is also done in multiple of this large and small pack. On this pattern, the Pava is of 180 ml. Three large or six small pegs are made in this.

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Similarly, a pillar means a full bottle of liquor is of 750 ml. It makes 12 large pegs and one small peg. Similarly after making 6 large packs in 375ml bottle 15ml is left. But, there is no strong logic behind this 15ml. It is believed that this was done to keep half of the 750. Similarly, another user has written that the sizes of 500 and one liter are very less popular. He also talks about deciding the size of the bottle according to the size of the peg. Some people are looking at it by linking it to the price. He says that the price is directly related to the small size bottle. Due to this, the liquor becomes a little cheaper and the feeling comes that you have bought a full bottle.

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