Why women do not have a body like men, this one thing is lacking

There are many differences between the bodies of men and women, which make them different. According to some research, the physical size and capacity of men and women are also different. But do you know why women’s body is not like that of men? Today we will tell you in detail about the physical differences between men and women. 

Women’s body

It is believed that women are physically weaker than men. But this is not the case everywhere. According to a research, women are as strong as men and their body can also face the adverse conditions that men can face. 

A research was done on this subject, after which its report was presented at the annual conference of the Society of Endocrinology in Glasgow. According to this, if women are trained, then in difficult situations their body is as capable as a man’s. 

Body of women and men

Let us tell you that men’s body develops faster than women’s. The reason behind this is their physical structure. But if a woman is given proper training as compared to experts, then her body can also be developed. Many such examples are seen in sports. 

Body structure

Many things are different in the body of men and women. Let us tell you that these differences make them different from each other. There is a difference in the reproductive organs of men and women. While women’s reproductive organs include ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina, men’s reproductive organs include testicles, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, prostate gland, and penis. While eggs are produced in the ovaries of women, sperm is produced in the seminal vesicle of men.

Such differences

Apart from this, women mainly produce estrogen and progesterone, which controls the menstrual cycle and promotes reproductive functions. Men mainly produce testosterone, which produces sperm. Apart from this, women have two X chromosomes (XX). Whereas, men have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).

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