Widow saw her husband’s love letter after 64 years, it was hidden under the wallpaper, such things were written… she cried after reading it

The relationship between husband and wife is not just a bond, both are seen bound by each other’s habits, nature, happiness and sorrow. While other’s happiness makes them laugh, their troubles also make them cry. They never forget the moments spent with each other. But imagine what it would be like if someone came to know about what your spouse thought about you after your spouse’s death? Same thing happened with a widow woman. After 64 years, she found her husband’s love letter, which she had hidden under a wallpaper. Such things were written in it that I cried after reading it.

According to Metro report, Val, a resident of Devon city, England, was renovating her house a few days ago, so that a beautiful room could be made for her granddaughter’s daughter. It can be decorated. Then he found his name and address written under the wallpaper on the wall of the room. She was surprised to see this. Because he had never seen this before. It was a love letter, which was written in the name of Rose. Earlier people knew Val only by the name of Rose. A heart was drawn below their names, and the date of marriage was written. But seeing what happened next, Val became emotional.

Was written in love with future wife Val
Hart was signed by her husband Ken Perot. Ken Perot wrote this letter to his future wife Val in August 1960. In this he had written such things that Val cried after reading them. Then at many places on the wall, such things were seen which he had written in love for Val. Ken and Val met at a dance at the Regal in Exmouth in 1959, when Ken was just 21 years old. His daughter Nicola Perot said, at that time my father was dating someone else. That’s why when he met my mother, he refused friendship. He was a little stubborn. However, later he ended his relationship with his friend. And within a few months both of them got engaged. At that time, my father had written this letter for his future wife. Ken died in 1996, but my mother still feels sad remembering him. This time as soon as she saw the letter, she got lost in old memories.

Users said- Oh, what a lovely story
Mother told me that they were truly in love. He was an ideal father for me and my brother. Before marriage, both of them used to talk a lot. The most surprising thing about the love letter was that he wrote the letter in August 1960, but it also wrote that we got married in March 1961. That means they knew that both of them were going to get married next year. Val did not know what was written about him on the walls of the house? While decorating the house where they lived together, Ken would always write something for his wife on the walls. Then they used to cover it with wallpaper. As soon as the news surfaced on social media, people were stunned to know. One wrote, oh, what a lovely story. Obviously true love. I am very sad that you lost your father at such a young age, but I am sure he would be happy seeing this moment.

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