Winged ants are coming out here, this is a sign

Report- Arya Jha

Madhubani: After the end of the rainy season, a special phenomenon is observed in rural areas that winged ants emerge. These ants are usually seen after the rain. According to local beliefs, these ants are a sign that some big change or end is about to happen.

The moisture and environment of the soil after rain in rural areas is conducive for the emergence of many small insects. One of the prominent species among these is the winged ant. This ant is especially visible when the weather improves after heavy rains. Winged ants are usually seen flying around light sources at night such as electric bulbs.

According to local belief, winged ants are a sign that time is about to end. The villagers consider it as a kind of sign that now is the end time, that is, the ants have grown wings and they are about to die. According to this belief, the wings of a winged ant mean that an important phase of life is about to end. This belief is especially derived from grandmother’s stories and old beliefs.

From the point of view of science, this phenomenon is related to natural causes. After heavy rains, ants come out of their shelters and fly with their wings during the breeding season. These wings are necessary for breeding and ants use them to settle in new places. Their flight towards light sources indicates that they are looking for new sites.

Thus the emergence of winged ants is not only a scientific process but it is also a part of local cultural beliefs and traditions. This phenomenon is considered a symbol of change and transformation of life in rural areas.

Tags: Local18

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