Winter season can give double attack, heart patients should take care of heart like this

Health TipsAlthough the winter season is about to end, the cold has forced everyone to shiver. In many areas of North India, it is extremely cold even in late January. The effect of which is visible on people’s health. The effect of this season is more visible on people suffering from chronic diseases. This season is no less than a danger for heart patients. They may have to go through many complications in this season. In winter, the risk of double attack of heart attack and stroke also increases manifold. This can also be fatal. According to experts, due to the cold this year, cases of heart attack and stroke have also increased significantly.

Why is winter dangerous for heart patients?

In this season, due to cold, arteries and veins start shrinking, due to which heart related problems can increase. Due to low temperature the blood starts thickening and blood clots start forming. Due to which blood circulation does not occur properly and it becomes difficult for the heart to function. In this season, heart patients should keep some things in mind to maintain good heart health and avoid the risk of heart attack and stroke.

keep BP under control

In winter, the risk of heart attack is very high in patients with high blood pressure. That is why they should keep their blood pressure under control. For this, diet should be improved, exercise should be done daily and try to avoid stress.

Don’t forget to get vaccinated

People at high risk should not forget to get the flu vaccine in this season. Along with this, measures like healthy diet, regular exercise and weight loss should be taken. So that heart health remains healthy.

keep wearing warm clothes

In case of sudden change in weather and increase in cold, one should wear warm and woolen clothes in winter. Wear socks while sleeping at night. Do not go out of the house when it is cold in the morning and evening. Apart from this, take medicines regularly and keep getting health checkups done.

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