With this technique, big buildings will be ready in a few hours, the cost will also be very less, know everything immediately!

Sometimes it takes months to build a small house. A lot of money is spent and our most valuable time is wasted. Many times a lot of damage is done in this round. Because we have to arrange all kinds of things from brick to brick. Then its maintenance and all kinds of other hassles. But now it will be a matter of few days. Work is going on in Germany on a technology, due to which large buildings will be ready in a few hours. Not only this, the cost will also be very less. Let’s know everything about it.

According to the report of Deutsche Welle, this is the method by which the work is done at twice the speed. In this, the building is not made brick by brick, but module by module. Now you will say whether it is module by module. Actually, the steel and concrete that we use in our homes. This module is prepared from them and that too in just three to four hours. You can understand it in such a way that instead of all the small bricks, your house will be built with some big bricks. These big bricks will be made of steel and concrete.

Save money up to 50%
The weight of each module is about 30 tonnes. They are kept lifted one above the other with the help of a crane. This technique is called modular construction and the number of people building houses with this technique has increased rapidly in Germany in the last few years. According to PDP Construction, a building manufacturer, it saves about 50 percent in the construction of buildings. That is, the building which costs one crore to be built, can be built with the help of this technique in just 50-60 lakh rupees.

You can be at home in a few hours
To make these buildings, the laborers first prepare the base with cement. Then the module is fitted on top of them. Within a few minutes a room will be ready, which usually takes at least one three to four days to make with bricks. Think of it in such a way that these buildings will be such that they can be lived in immediately. That is, you can stay in your house within just one day.

All pipes are pre-fitted
Special thing, water and heating pipes are already installed in the module. That is, you do not have to sabotage separately for this. Everything is put together in the factory. He just has to connect here. The shower, bed and desk are also built in, all you have to do is fit. Even there is an internet connection. There is no noise in making it because no cutting has to be done. Everything has already been done.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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