Woman came to restaurant wearing her favorite dress, waiter told her to wear a jacket, couldn’t believe after hearing the reason

We all know that western countries live quite openly. There people and women are free to wear their favorite clothes. But will you believe when you are told that in a modern restaurant like Paris, a waiter stopped the woman from coming in her favorite dress and told her that she would have to come wearing a jacket. Yes, it is true. Paris, which is known as the metropolis of fashion and modernity, finds such an incident shocking. This happened and this woman has shared the story of this incident on social media.

This woman named Ayesha Gonalez was with her friend in a restaurant in Paris where she wore a bralette with jeans. In a city like Paris, this cannot be called a very unusual outfit considering the kind of clothes worn here. There is no restriction on this.

But Ayesha was surprised when she was told that she would have to wear a jacket to enter the restaurant. While sharing the entire story on the social media platform TikTok, Ayesha said that she and her friend did not get a warm welcome from the restaurant staff. He even had to eat food wearing a jacket.

Ayesha even said that after coming to Paris, do not wear a top. (Photo: Instagram/ aaishagonzalez)

While making this video, Ayesha narrated her story in Spanish and said that if you are a girl and you come to Paris, then never come in the top. Because if you are like this then you too can be forced to eat while wearing a jacket like us. Ayesha told that when they were entering the restaurant, a person working in the restaurant came towards them.

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At first Ayesha thought that this person would come and ask her whether she was feeling too cold or not? But the surprising thing happened when this person came near and asked if you could wear something over the top? Ayesha told that she had to wear a jacket and shared the entire story on social media and it got 15.5 lakh views.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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