Woman got a dangerous addiction during pregnancy, doctors were shocked during the operation!

Vikash Kumar/ Chitrakoot: A case of 2 kg of hair coming out of the stomach of a woman has come to light in a hospital here. This has become a topic of discussion in the district. The case is of Janakikund Hospital of Chitrakoot. During the operation of a woman living in Mahoba district, a clump of hair weighing more than 2 kg came out of her stomach. Even the doctors were surprised to see this.

Let us tell you that this woman from Mahoba district is 25 years old and has 3 children. When the woman was pregnant for the second time, she started eating hair. The woman’s addiction to eating hair had increased to such an extent that along with eating her own hair, she would also pick up and eat the hair of others. Due to which a bunch of hair accumulated in the woman’s stomach.

Ignored stomach pain
The woman’s second delivery also took place. After this, she became a mother for the third time. Sometimes she used to have pain in her stomach. But she did not understand that this bad habit of hers was going to cost her dearly. When the woman’s pain increased beyond limits, she got herself treated in Banda. But she did not get much relief from the pain.

More than two kilograms of hair was removed from the stomach
She did not even tell the doctor about her bad habit of eating hair. When the problem worsened, the woman got herself treated at Janakikund Hospital in Chitrakoot. Here the doctors did a CT scan of her and were shocked. When the doctor asked the woman to tell the truth, the victim told about her habit of eating hair. After which, Dr. Nirmala Gihani of Janakikund Hospital operated on her and removed a clump of hair weighing more than two kilograms from her stomach and saved her life.

The doctor gave information
In this case, Dr. Nirmala Gihani of Janakikund Hospital says that such incidents have been seen in less than 1 percent of cases. She said, ‘Young women or women suffering from mental illness do this. I have also seen three such cases in my life. In which there was a 9-year-old boy and an 18-year-old girl and this third case is of a 25-year-old lady. This woman started eating hair after her second pregnancy. And when she had a child, she stopped. When she felt pain, she got treatment and it did not even come in the ultrasound. It was detected by CT scan. Now the woman is completely fit.

Tags: Local18, pregnant woman

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