Woman took leave from office on the pretext of backache, posted dance video on social media! Boss took drastic step

When we were little, we used to pretend to take a break from school. School may be missed after growing up, but that habit does not leave. People also take leave from office by lying. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes out of compulsion. A woman from Spain also did the same. She made an excuse of back pain in the office and took leave, but then the woman shared the video on social media while doing bold dance (boss see employee dance video) which was seen by her boss. After this, the evening of the woman came.

According to the report of the Auditi Central news website, Spain’s Superior Tribunal of Justice i.e. a court has upheld the decision taken by a supermarket company under which a female (Spanish woman fired for twerking) employee has been fired. In the court papers, the woman’s name has been mentioned as Mrs. Paydad, who was working in a company named Semark AC Group since 2006. The supermarket chain named Lupa belongs to this company.

Boss saw the dance video
Last year i.e. in January 2021, she went on paid leave and extended it even further. She told the reason in the company that she has severe back pain due to which she cannot come to the office. However, this was only an excuse. Actually, after making an excuse, the woman posted a video of herself twerking on her Tiktok account. Twerking is a form of dance which is considered quite bold and involves moving from the hip to the back of the people.

defeat in court
When the woman’s boss saw this video on Tiktok, he became furious and fired the woman immediately. In September 2021, an official mail was sent to her from the woman’s company, in which it was written that she was being fired. It was written in the mail that the area manager of the company has seen her Tiktok video in which she is doing dance steps which are impossible to do according to her health condition. The woman had filed a case against her company in the court only last year, but she seems to be losing in all the hearings till now. The judge said that during the eight and a half months for which the woman was on leave, she had posted several dance videos on social media. Although she has lost the case in the lower court, but she also has the option of knocking on the doors of the Supreme Court.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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