women are drinking more alcohol Due to this hormone big revelation in the study

Women Alcohol Habits: A pre-clinical study conducted on rats has made a major revelation regarding women’s alcohol addiction. It has been told that increased levels of estrogen can make women addicted to alcohol. According to a preclinical study led by scientists at Weill Cornell Medicine, the female sex hormone estrogen controls women’s tendency to consume alcohol. A study published in the journal Nature Communications has revealed that higher levels of estrogen may increase the tendency of women to drink excessively. Increases and this discovery can help in understanding their behavior.

women are drinking more alcohol
Dr. Kristen Pleil, associate professor of pharmacology at the university and senior author, said, we know very little about what drives alcohol drinking behavior in women, because most studies of alcohol drinking have been done on men. Yet recent studies show that women consume more alcohol than men.

Pleil said that due to this high consumption, they become more sensitive to the negative health effects of alcohol than men. Experts said, many studies show that the habit of drinking alcohol increases the harmful effects of alcohol. He said that these findings could lead to new ways to treat alcohol use disorder in women. To assess the possible involvement of estrogen, the team first monitored hormone levels during the oestrous cycle of female mice (similar to the menstrual cycle in women) and then gave them alcohol.

This is how it affects women
The results showed that higher levels of circulating estrogen in women led them to drink more alcohol than on days when their estrogen was lower. Dr. Kristen Pleal said, when a female takes the first sip from a bottle of wine, her neurons become uncontrollable. If she is in a high-estrogen state, they become even more out of control. On the basis of the study, he said that the effect of additional neural activity was visible on rats. It became clear that when estrogen levels increased, she consumed more alcohol. This trend was especially evident within the first 30 minutes.

(Input- IANS)

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