Women come screaming and shouting after paying 6 lakhs, parties are held in the middle of the jungle, they vandalise and create noise

Anger and rage are not good for anyone. People try different ways to stop it. They keep their mind calm by doing meditation and yoga. But can there be any ritual to reduce anger? Don’t be surprised! This is happening. Nowadays Rage Rituals is a new trend in America and European countries. Parties are organized in the middle of the forest. Where angry women go and vent out their anger by screaming and shouting. They vandalize things. They make a lot of noise so that their anger subsides. And yes, women are paying up to 5 to 6 lakh rupees to attend such parties.

According to the New York Post report, social media influencer Mia Banducci, known as Mia Majik, is organizing such parties (Rage rituals) in America these days. Cyber ​​security engineer Mia Banducci said, often such parties are organized in the middle of the forest. Where women get a chance to express their anger. We want to tell people not to get angry, not to be aggressive. This is very dangerous. It is very important for men to cry, because their tears do not come under any circumstances. They disturb. Similarly, it is necessary for women to vent their anger.

What do people do in such parties?
What do people do in such parties? In response to this question, Mia Banducci said, women come here. They shout for as long as they can. They get angry. They break and smash whatever comes to their mind. They bang sticks on the ground. So that somehow the aggression inside them comes out. Their mind becomes calm. Once this process is done, they feel very relaxed. This is the reason why the demand for such parties is increasing. Banducci has organized many such events in the past years. Not only Banducci, many women like Jessica Richetti are also organizing such parties.

They were made angry so that they could vandalise
Venues have been built for such parties. Rooms have also been made for overnight stay. Women are paying 7000 to 8000 dollars i.e. about 6 lakh rupees to attend many parties. Women coming here are provoked. They are reminded of the time when injustice was done to them. They are asked to remember the atmosphere of that time. They are made to get angry. Kimberly Helms, who was a part of one such party, calls it miraculous. She said, there is no place where you can see women getting angry like this. This is only due to hormonal changes. I got a lot of peace from this. Famous doctor Arthur Janov calls it medical science. He said, when people do this and allow themselves to vent their anger, their capacity for happiness actually increases.

Tags: Amazing news, The news has hit the, Weird news

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