Women of Bangladesh Army will be seen in hijab do you know what is the dress code of Indian Army

The situation in Bangladesh has worsened since the coup. Not only this, now the Bangladesh government is slowly moving towards Islamization. The biggest example of this is that the Bangladesh government has allowed female soldiers to wear hijab. Today we will tell you what is the dress code of Indian forces in India and what changes Bangladesh has made in its dress code.


Since the coup in Bangladesh, radical ideology is increasing rapidly. It is worth mentioning that women were included in the Bangladesh Army in the year 2000. But since that time, wearing hijab was prohibited in the army. But now under the pressure of radicals, the Bangladesh Army has changed its rules and allowed wearing of hijab.

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what is the new order

According to Bangladeshi media reports, now if female soldiers want to wear hijab, they can wear it. An order has also been issued regarding this. Let us tell you that an order has been issued regarding this from the Adjutant General’s office. After this order, the ban on wearing hijab on female officers, nursing staff and other military personnel in Bangladesh has been lifted.
The order issued by the Adjutant General’s Office said that a decision in principle was taken in the PSO conference on September 3, in which willing female personnel have been allowed to wear hijab with uniform. Let us tell you that this decision shows that Bangladesh is now slowly promoting radical ideology.

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dress code in indian army

Do you know what is the dress code in the Indian Army? Today we will tell you what is the dress code in the Indian Army and what are the rules regarding it. Let us tell you that the dress code in the Indian Army can be different on different occasions. In which there are rules from war to parade. But there are many rules about what can be worn with the uniform and what cannot. These rules of the Indian Army are mentioned in the Defense Services Regulation and Army Dress Regulation.

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indian army dress

The Indian Army has a variety of uniforms that are worn depending on the occasion, ceremony and weather conditions.

Wartime uniforms – This is the standard uniform worn during combat operations and field exercises. It consists of a patterned shirt and pants as well as a matching cap, helmet and combat boots.

Service Dress – Let us tell you that this is the formal uniform worn for formal occasions, parades and official functions. It includes khaki colored shirt and pants, black leather shoes and a beret.

Mess Dress – This is the formal evening dress for army personnel. It is worn during formal dinners and receptions. It consists of a black jacket and pants with a white dress shirt and black bow tie.

PT Dress – This is a physical training uniform worn during fitness and training exercises. It consists of a grey shirt and pants along with running shoes.

Winter Dress – The Indian Army has a cold weather uniform worn during the winter months. It consists of a thick woollen sweater, jacket and pants along with a cap and gloves.

Parade dress code – it Independence Day And there is a special uniform worn on ceremonial occasions like the Republic Day parade. It consists of a white dress jacket, white pants, black leather shoes and a black turban.

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Rules regarding dress

Many rules regarding dress have been mentioned in the Defense Services Regulation and Army Dress Regulation of the Indian Army. Religious symbols have also been included in this. Please note that no soldier or officer should have any religious chain, rosary or Kalava on his hand or neck along with the uniform. Although women can wear Mangalsutra, it should not be visible from outside the dress. Women can wear earrings, but its size should not be more than 5 mm.

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