womens day 2024 best superfoods for women good health know benefits

International Women’s Day 2024 : A woman manages the house the whole day. She takes responsibilities in every way. Tirelessly and without stopping, she fulfills the wishes of her family and keeps them healthy. In such a situation, it is very important that their health remains intact and they do not have any kind of problems. Actually, there are many periods in a woman’s life when her body goes through a process of change. These include the beginning of periods, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause. In such a situation, they are advised to improve their lifestyle and diet. They require different nutrients according to each phase. In such a situation, if women include 5 superfoods in their diet, not only will their health remain healthy, but they will also have minimal physical problems. Let’s know about these foods…


There must be curd in the plate of women. This provides calcium in abundance. It also maintains the glucose level. Apart from this, deficiency of Vitamin B12 is also fulfilled. Women must include pulses, whole grains and green leafy vegetables in their diet.


Women should eat papaya every day. Due to this, Vitamin A and E reach their body in abundance and adds to their beauty. Anti-oxidants carotenes and flavonoids also work to regulate the menstrual cycle in women. Colon can reduce the risk of diseases like cancer.


Every woman should eat powerful nuts walnuts. This provides good sleep and keeps cholesterol level low. Not only this, walnuts can also reduce the risk of dangerous diseases like cancer. Walnuts can also provide relief from osteoporosis problem after menopause. This can relieve joint pain.

flax seeds

Women’s plate must contain flax seeds rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and dietary fiber. Vitamins and minerals are found in these seeds. They contain compounds that balance hormonal health. These seeds also help in reducing calories.


Berries are helpful in eliminating the problem of UTI in women. Consumption of cranberries is considered more beneficial. Drinking its juice provides physical benefits in many ways. Strawberry and blackberry are considered beneficial for women’s skin.

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