World Brain Tumour Day 2024: Who is most at risk of brain tumour? Know its early symptoms

These days, the number of brain tumor patients is increasing rapidly. Especially the youth of today are falling prey to this disease. The question arises that what is brain tumor? In brain tumor, the cells around the brain start growing uncontrollably. Sometimes it spreads so much that it starts spreading from the brain to other parts of the body. Actually, the risk of brain tumor increases due to many types of dangerous changes in the cells and DNA around the brain. 

‘American Brain Tumor Association’ report

According to the report of ‘American Brain Tumor Association’, every year more than 10 lakh people are suffering from diseases like brain tumor. Every year about 90 thousand people are diagnosed with it. Its risk has also increased rapidly in children. World Brain Tumor Day is celebrated every year on 8 June to create awareness about brain tumor. However, it is very difficult to detect its early symptoms. But if it is identified in time, then life can be saved. 

Causes of brain tumor 

Brain tumor means uncontrolled growth of cells around the brain or changes in DNA is called brain tumor. It can also be caused by poor diet, lifestyle and genetic reasons. It can also be caused by exposure to certain types of chemicals and radiation. It is very important to identify its symptoms in time.

Symptoms of brain tumor

Headache or sudden severe pain in the morning

Nausea or vomiting

Eye problems or not being able to see properly

Tingling sensation in hands or feet

Difficulty in speaking

Always feeling tired

Difficulty in remembering anything

Many types of changes occur in the body during brain tumor

People of all ages, from children to the elderly, are at risk of brain cancer. Today we will talk about the symptoms of brain cancer in detail. Sometimes epileptic seizures can be symptoms of brain cancer. Many types of changes occur in the brain and body due to brain cancer. Brain cancer also affects the eyes. This puts the most pressure on the optic nerve, due to which the vision of the eyes becomes blurred and blindness can occur.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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