World Hypertension Day 2023 Change These 6 Lifestyle To Reduce High Blood Pressure Risk

Hypertension: Hypertension or high blood pressure is such a disease, which if not treated on time, can also cause sudden death. This condition arises when the blood pressure in the arteries increases. Although the blood pressure increases and decreases many times throughout the day, but when this condition persists for a long time, then the problem of hypertension or high blood pressure arises. Hypertension is considered serious because in some cases it can also cause heart attack, stroke, heart failure.

These days a large number of people in India are struggling with the problem of high blood pressure. According to the World Health Organisation, one in 4 adults in India has hypertension and only 12 per cent of these people have their blood pressure under control. One good thing with hypertension is that you can bring it under control by making some necessary changes in your lifestyle.

Bring these important changes in lifestyle

1. Reduce eating salt: Consuming too much salt can increase blood pressure. That’s why people suffering from this disease should reduce their salt intake. Apart from this, avoid eating processed food items and canned food products. Because the amount of sodium in them is high.

2. Regular Exercise: Exercising can help in curing not only hypertension but also many diseases. Exercising improves health. You feel healthy and fit.

3. Adopt Hypertension Diet: To avoid the problem of high blood pressure, adopt ‘hypertension diet’. Include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat and protein-rich dairy products in your food routine. Set a target to eat more and more fruits and vegetables every day. Eat the right fruits and vegetables at the right time. Choose whole grains instead of refined grains. Choose food rich in protein like fish, poultry, nuts and beans.

4. Keep the weight under control: Obesity can cause the problem of high blood pressure. So keep your weight healthy. Exercise daily. Eat healthy food. Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains in your diet. Include healthy fats and lean proteins.

5. Reduce Stress: Blood pressure can suddenly increase due to excessive stress and anxiety. So reduce stress and anxiety. For this, you should do deep breathing exercise. Do meditation and yoga. Get enough sleep for 8 hours. Besides, you can listen to music. Can read favorite book. Can spend some time alone with nature.

6. Reduce Alcohol Intake: Drinking too much alcohol can also increase blood pressure. If you have a problem of high blood pressure, then reduce the consumption of alcohol from today itself or if possible keep distance from it.

7. Quit Smoking: People who smoke more can also be surrounded by the disease of hypertension. That’s why immediately distance yourself from cigarettes and vaping.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

Read also: Diabetes: Diabetes patients should drink this ‘healthy drink’ daily, they will not have to visit the hospital, ‘sugar’ will remain under control

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