World Kidney Day 2023 Kidney Damage Many Symptoms Appear In Body

Kidney Damage Symptoms: Kidney is an important organ of the body. It works to remove the toxins produced in the body. Doctors say that the substances which are filtered out by the kidney, if they stop coming out then it increases the risk of damage to other organs of the body. World Kidney Day is celebrated on 9 March. Importance of kidney on this day and how to keep it fit. Aware is made for this. Kidneys are very important for the daily survival of all of us. In such a situation, it is important to understand that when the kidney starts getting damaged, then what symptoms it gives. Will try to tell from 8 symptoms, by which it can be understood about kidney being fit or sick.

understand these 8 points

1. Blood pressure, sugar problem is serious for kidney, get it checked on time

2. Excessive urination at night is an indication of kidney failure.

3. If foam is being formed while urinating, then this is also a sign of kidney failure.

4. Kidney also works to make blood in the body. If hemoglobin is decreasing again and again, then it can be a symptom.

5. There is swelling in the feet. There is heaviness on the face. If there is pain in the hands and feet, then get the doctor examined.

6. Loss of appetite, weight loss and repeated vomiting can be a sign of kidney failure.

7. After the age of 40, the chances of kidney failure are high. At this time it is necessary to have a routine checkup of the body.

8. Pain reliever should not be taken in excess. People who consume more painkillers. The chances of their kidney failure are very high.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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