world lung cancer day 2024 lungs are being affected a lot due to pollution try this miracle drink to detoxify the lungs

world lung cancer day 2024 lungs are being affected a lot due to pollution try this miracle drink to detoxify the lungsworld lung cancer day 2024 lungs are being affected a lot due to pollution try this miracle drink to detoxify the lungs

World Lung Cancer Day: Due to increasing pollution, our lungs are becoming seriously ill. In such a situation, it is very important to remove the dirt accumulated in the lungs. For this, you can use detox water, which helps in keeping the lungs and liver healthy.

Our lungs are being affected a lot due to pollution. Living in the increasing air pollution is affecting our lungs as much as smoking cigarettes. People who smoke are getting a double blow because their lungs get filled with dirt.

Pollution has a dangerous effect on lungs and liver

Excessive smoking causes tar to accumulate in the lungs. To remove this, the most important thing is to clean the lungs. For this, you can use detox water which will help in cleaning both your lungs and liver.

People who smoke a lot have an increased risk of getting lung infections. Apart from this, people suffering from asthma also have lung problems. Sometimes the liver also gets swollen. For this, it is important to keep detoxifying the important organs of the body daily.

How to make detox drink to clean lungs

How to clean the lungs. According to the news published in India TV, Dr. Priyanka Trivedi has shared a recipe on Instagram, with which you can detox your lungs and liver. For this, you have to prepare a drink at night and drink it in the morning. You have to drink this drink continuously for about 20 to 25 days. This will completely detox your body.

Make a drink to detox your lungs and liver

For this, first take 1 liter of clean water and fill it in a glass bottle. Now cut 1 lemon into small and thin pieces and put it in it. Cut bitter gourd into thin pieces and put it in the same water. Along with this, wash and add 10-15 mint leaves. Peel about 1 inch ginger and cut it into pieces and put it in it. Now keep this water in the fridge or outside for the whole night. Drink half of it after it comes to normal temperature in the morning. You have to drink this water in the morning on an empty stomach. After this, do not eat or drink anything for half an hour.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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