World’s hottest scientist warns people of snake attack

God had created the world with a lot of planning. For the animals to live, forests were made according to them. There these animals used to fill their stomach by hunting themselves comfortably. But humans messed with everything in their greed. For their survival, humans cut down the forest indiscriminately. The result of this was that there was less space for the animals to live. Due to lack of prey, animals started coming into human areas. Earlier, where elephants and occasionally tigers or cheetahs were seen in human areas, now giant snakes have also started intruding into human areas.

Florida-based geoscientist Rosie Moore is known as the world’s most beautiful scientist. Moore told that for many years, snakes living in the forest of Everglades are now coming to human areas. They are rapidly leaving the jungle and migrating towards the city. Because of this, they are being seen more in residential areas than before. However, right now these snakes are attacking their pets from people’s homes. If they are not controlled in time, then in the coming time they will start attacking humans too.

warned people
Moore has warned people about these snakes. He told that if you see such snakes near your house, then be alert from them. These snakes are not averse to attacking humans. You can deal with them only by being very cautious. If you are in a place where there is a water source or a park, then be alert. Keep an eye on them. Maybe these snakes are hiding somewhere and attack you. If you see a snake, quietly move away and let the wildlife[डिपार्टमेंट को कॉल कर बुला लें.

इंस्टाग्राम पर कई लोग करते हैं साइंटिस्ट को फॉलो

खूबसूरती के हैं लाखों दीवाने
जियोसाइंटिस्ट मूर को सोशल मीडिया पर कई लोग फॉलो करते हैं. वो कई चैनल्स पर वाइल्डलाइफ रेप्टाइल्स से निपटने के टिप्स देती हैं. कई तस्वीरों में मूर को खतरनाक जहरीले सांपों से लिपटे देखा जाता है. मूर की चेतावनी को लोग इस लिए भी गंभीरता से ले रहे हैं कि बीते कुछ समय से वाकई दुनिया के कई इलाकों से सांप द्वारा इंसानों पर अटैक की खबरें सामने आई हैं. बीते साल ही एक 22 फुट के पाइथन ने बुजुर्ग महिला को निगल लिया था. हालांकि, अभी इंसानों पर अटैक के मामले कम हैं. ज्यादातर सांप अभी बिल्ली और कुत्तों पर ही अटैक कर रहे हैं.

Tags: Ajab Bhi Ghazab Bhi, Khabre jara hatke, Weird news

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