Worlds Most Dangerous Tribe Here The Lips Of Girls Are Cut Off At The Age Of 15 Amazing Fact

amazing facts: Even today there are people all over the world, who are known for their strange tradition, their lifestyle and food habits. A similar tribe also lives in Ethiopia in East Africa, which is known as ‘Mursi’. The people of this tribe believe that it is better to die than to live without killing anyone. That’s why they are considered the most dangerous tribe in the world. Let us know a little more about them.

The Mursi tribe lives in the Oman Valley near the South Ethiopia and Sudan border. Their total population is about 10 thousand. This tribe remains in discussion even for its unique tradition. You will be surprised to know that body modification process is also adopted here to avoid the evil eye of people. Under which a clay disc or wood is worn in the lower lip of the women here.

Cut off the lips of girls

Here, at the age of 15-16, the girls of the tribe wear discs in their lips. This body modification is known as lip-plate. Because of this, the women here have now become the center of attraction in the eyes of tourists from all over the world. In Africa, this practice is still continuing only in Mursi, Chhai and Tirma tribes.

Why do you put a disc?

It is believed that a disc is placed in the lower lip of women for their protection. The reason for applying this is to protect them from the traders who buy and sell slaves. According to the elders of the tribe, this reduces the beauty of women and makes them look less attractive.

how to wear disc

When the girl turns 15 to 16 years old, the girl’s mother and other women of the clan together cut off her lower lip. A piece of wood is stuck in the wound till it ripens. After a few months, a disc of about 12 cm is inserted in it. This disc remains attached to his lips for life.

people drink animal blood

In the Mursi tribe, there is a belief of drinking a lot of animal blood before the fight. He believes that by doing this before the fight, a respectable position can be created in the battle by becoming more fat and powerful. Apart from this, men here also fight with sticks for women. It is believed that the man who wins the fight gets the most beautiful wife. It is said that here people fight for rights, in which two people fight with each other for something and the fight does not stop until one of them dies.

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