Worlds Mysterious Creature That Live Without Taking Breath Interesting Facts About Creatures

Creature that live without breathing: Millions of types of creatures are found on the earth. We all know that all living beings need to breathe in order to survive. It is difficult for any living being or human being to survive without breathing.

Talking about humans, we cannot survive without taking oxygen gas through breath. But scientists have also found such a mysterious organism (parasite), which remains alive even without breathing. This is the first such creature in the world to have this unique feature. Let’s know about this unique creature…

Which is this creature?

For any organism to breathe, it is very important to have a mitochondrial genome in it. But surprisingly, this multicellular parasite that looks like a jellyfish does not have a mitochondrial genome at all. For this reason, this parasite does not require oxygen to survive. The scientific name of this parasite is Henniguya salminicola. However, it is a matter of great surprise for the scientists that how such an organism developed on the earth, which can survive without oxygen. This amazing and mysterious parasite has been discovered by a team of researchers from Israel’s Tel-Aviv University.

does not harm anyone

According to researchers, this parasite gets its energy from fish. But for this it does not harm them in any way and the fishes also do not harm this parasite. This parasite is found in salmon fish and remains alive only as long as the fish remains alive. Researchers said that Henniguya salminicola is not at all harmful to humans or other organisms.

such a creature was found before

During the research, when the scientists observed this organism with a microscope (fluorescence microscope), they did not see mitochondrial DNA in it. After this it became clear that this is the first such organism in the world, which does not need to breathe to live. However, in the year 2010 also a similar creature was found by Italian researchers. Researchers did not see mitochondrial DNA in it either. But the source of energy of that organism was hydrogen sulphide. The surprising thing is that this newly found Henneguya salminicola does not even need hydrogen sulphide.

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