Wrote on paper and tore it…does anger really go away by doing this?

Man is a statue full of emotions. According to the situation, different types of emotions emerge from him. Anger is also among these emotions. Many times, when a person is very angry, he takes some wrong steps for which he has to regret throughout his life. 

But what if we say that with just one small action, you You can control your anger in a jiffy. The most important thing is that this method is not just a hearsay. Rather, research has been done on it scientifically. Let us explain to you in detail about this research.

What does the research say

A research report has been published in the Scientific Reports Journal this week. In this report, Nobuyuki Kawai, Professor of Cognitive Science at Nagoya University, has written many things related to this research. According to him, 100 students took part in this research. The result that came out at the end of the research surprised everyone.

If Kawai is to be believed, the students who were very angry on some things, wrote their feelings about those things on a paper and tore it. Gave. The surprising thing was that after this the students’ anger towards those things went away.

What kind of experiment was done?

Actually, First 100 students were collected for this research. After this he was given a paper and pen. Then they were asked to write their brief opinion on some social issues. Like whether there should be a ban on smoking in public places or not. On such issues. After some time, when the students wrote their opinions on paper, they were told that a PhD student would evaluate everything they had written.

The evaluating student gave very low marks to the students involved in the research and they Also gave very derogatory feedback. Such derogatory feedback enraged the students. After this 100 students got divided into two groups. One group wrote their anger-driven feelings towards the PhD student on a piece of paper and tore it up. While the other group wrote their feelings on a paper and put it in a glass container.

Scientists observed that after this humiliating feedback, those who wrote their feelings on a paper tore it into pieces. Had given, the level of anger in him had decreased and had completely ended. Whereas, the people who had kept their emotional letters safely in a glass container, the level of anger remained the same.

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