You also do not make this mistake while making Aamras, if you make it in this way, then the taste will double.


Aamras is very much liked in the summer season.
Always use only sweet mangoes to make aamras.

Aamras Recipe: On hearing the name of Amras, a smile comes on the face of many people. The taste of aamras, a traditional sweet dish of summer, is very much liked. Apart from being tasty, aamras is also very healthy. Choosing the right mango is very important for making aamras. A small mistake of not choosing the right mango can completely spoil the taste of the mango. In such a situation, it is necessary that only sweet mangoes should be selected after tasting for aamras. Aamras is very easy to make and its recipe can be prepared in minutes.
If you also like the taste of aamras and want to enjoy puri with aamras at home, then you can prepare tasty aamras with the help of a very easy method. Let’s know the simple recipe for making aamras.

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Ingredients to make Aamras
Mango (ripe sweet) – 1 kg
Cold milk – 2-3 cups
Saffron – 1 pinch
Sugar – 1 cup
Ice cubes – as required

Read this also: Easy method will help in making sweet pickle of mangoes, eaters will lick their fingers, will get a lot of praise

How to make Aamras
If you want to make aamras full of taste, then first of all take ripe sweet mangoes and after removing their skin, take out the mango pulp in a deep bottom vessel. You can also take the help of a knife to extract the mango pulp. Remove the pulp of the mango until only the kernels of the mango remain. After this separate the kernels. Now put the mango pulp in the mixer and add sugar to it and blend it by closing the lid of the mixer.

After blending once or twice, open the lid of the jar and put cold milk and saffron in it, cover it and blend it again. After blending for a minute or two, take out the aamras in a vessel. If after taking it out in a utensil, if the aamras seems thick, add more milk as required and churn it with the help of a churner. If you want, you can also get some sugar. After this, leave the aamras to cool down in the fridge for some time. When the aamras cools down, take it out from the fridge and put it in a serving glass and serve chilled aamras by adding one or two ice cubes on top.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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