You also make these mistakes while brushing, this is the main reason for bad breath, doctor told, useful information..

Everyone brushes their teeth in the morning. Many people do it even in the evening, still there is bad breath. We think that perhaps there might be some stomach problem. But this is not true. Research has proven that if you brush your teeth after waking up and before sleeping, it prevents gum disease and tooth decay. But it cannot stop bad breath. According to a dentist, there is a reason for this. A mistake that we make every day. If we improve it then perhaps bad breath will also stop.

According to the report of Mirror, British dentist Dr. Daz Singh says that while brushing, we usually do not clean our cheeks and tongue properly. If it is not cleaned then it causes foul smell. The inner areas of the tongue and cheeks contain a large number of bacteria, food particles and dead cells. If cleaning is not done, these bacteria can grow, which can cause bad breath. This can cause other diseases, which is called halitosis.

The most effective way to prevent bad odor
Dr. Daz said – The most effective way to prevent bad breath is to clean your tongue regularly. Also clean the inner parts of the cheeks lightly with a brush. If you do this regularly, a sticky layer of bacteria that accumulates on them can be removed. This will prevent serious conditions like gingivitis or periodontitis. Take special care that while cleaning the cheeks, use a toothbrush with soft bristles.

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