You can become a millionaire by doing potty! The company will pay a hefty amount after checking the quality of feces, rules will have to be followed

Waking up every morning to go to the toilet seems like a waste of time to many people. Many people are often heard saying that if a person did not have to have short doubts and long doubts, then how much time could have been saved. Some people take phone or newspaper to the toilet in the morning so that they can make proper use of that time. But do you know that potty time is actually not a waste of time, by doing this you can also become a millionaire (Company offer 1.5 crore for human excreta)! You may not believe our words, but this is absolutely true.

According to the report of the Moneycontrol website, a company based in the US and Canada human microbes (Human Microbes) is looking for Stool Donors. Means those people who give their potty to the company for research. In return, the company will give up to $ 500 (41 thousand rupees) to those people. This rupee is according to one day, that means in a year the candidate can earn up to $ 1,80,000 (Rs 1.5 crore). The company is ready to take poop samples from any country in the world and in return this amount will be given to the donor.

What to do to earn money?
If you think that this much money is not enough for the donation of your excreta, then you can go to the website of the company and decide the price accordingly. To become a millionaire from sewage, you have to follow some rules. The company has prepared a questionnaire first for the selection which the candidate has to fill. After this the company will conduct some interviews and test the candidates. The company will also bear the expenses of all these things from its side. If someone gets selected, the company will send some money even before starting the work. After this, the selected person will have to send the faeces to the company through dry ice shipping. You must be thinking that if others came to know about such work then they would make fun of him. So let us tell you that the company has taken care of this as well. They will keep the identity of the donor confidential.

What will the company do with the feces?
Now the question arises that what will the company do with the excreta of a donor? There are some good and some bad bacteria in human feces. There are only 0.1 percent people in the world who have good bacteria in their stool, that means they neither have any kind of disease, their stomach is completely fine. The company will identify the stool of such people and will connect them with experts doing research on stool. Research will be done on good bacteria from the faeces of these high quality donors.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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