You can make honey from 3 kitchen items, you might not know this method of making honey, the taste is amazing, know the simple recipe

How to make honey at home: Have you ever wondered what would happen if honey is made in the home kitchen? In fact, this very thing seems impossible. Honey is food made by bees for bees. This is their source of energy and many essential nutrients are found in abundance in it. In such a situation, many people, especially those who take vegan diet, hesitate to include it in their diet and keep looking for its alternative. Here we are telling you how you can make honey in your home kitchen with the help of just 3 things and can use them without any worry to enhance the taste.

How to make honey at home without honey bee

2 cups pure apple juice
2 teaspoon lemon juice
half cup sugar

Method of preparation
First of all, take a saucepan and add two cups of pure apple juice into it. Now place it on the gas and turn on the gas. Now add half a cup of sugar in it and let it boil on low flame. Now squeeze lemon juice into it.

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In this way, after some time it will start thickening and its quantity will also start reducing. When its texture starts becoming like honey, turn off the gas. As soon as you turn off the gas, keep it in a cool place and then put it in a glass jar and keep it in the refrigerator.

Within a few hours you will see that it has become thick and ready to use. This plant based honey, not only looks like honey, it also tastes quite similar to honey. You can use it with tea, toast, curd or any kind of snacks and enjoy the taste of honey.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle, Tips and Tricks

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