You have heard about Shia and Sunni but Islam is divided into so many sects, know the names, details and facts | You have heard about Shia and Sunni, but Islam is divided into so many sects, know the names, details and facts

All people who follow Islam call themselves Muslims, But in reality Muslims are divided into many sects, We know about Shia and Sunni in Islam but in reality there are many sects within Shia and Sunni as well, So let us know today how many sects Muslims are divided into,

How many sects are Muslims divided into?,

Sunni, Sunni or Sunnah means following the things that Prophet Muhammad followed (570-632 AD, have followed it themselves and hence they are called Sunni, an estimated, about the world 80 From 85 percent of Muslims are Sunni 15 From 20 Percentage of Shias are, Sunni Muslims are mainly divided into four groups as far as the interpretation of Islamic law is concerned, However, there is also a fifth group which calls itself different from these four.,

Hanafi, The followers of Imam Abu Hanifa are called Hanafi Muslims., The Muslims who follow this Islamic law are also divided into two groups, One is called Deobandi and the other calls himself Barelvi, Both these names are of two districts of Uttar Pradesh., Named after Deoband and Bareilly, The followers of Deobandi and Barelvi ideology say that Quran and Hadith are the basic source of their Shariat but to follow it, it is necessary to follow the Imam., Whereas people of Barelvi ideology consider the rules laid down by Aala Hazrat Raza Khan Barelvi to be more correct.,

Ownership, The second Imam of the Sunnis after Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik is the one whose followers are few in Asia, one of his important books ,Imam Motta, is quite famous by the name of,

Shafi’i, He is the disciple of Imam Malik and the third major Imam of the Sunnis, A large section of Muslims follows the path shown by them, who lives mostly in Middle East, Asia and African countries,

Hambly, Saudi Arab, Qatar, Kuwait, In the Middle East and many African countries, Muslims follow the Fiqh of Imam Hanbal and call themselves Hanbali,

This is also the religion of Muslims

Muslims are divided into many sects, Apart from the five sects mentioned above, there are also Salafis, Wahhabi and Ahle Hadith, Sunni Bohra, Ahmadiyya, Shia, Isna Ashri, Zaidiyya, Ismaili Shia, Dawoodi Bohra, Includes Khoja and Nusayri,

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