You have to find a frog in a pile of leaves in 5 seconds, take up the challenge, many have failed!

Optical Illusion: The specialty of rotating puzzles is that once you sit down to solve them, you do not feel like getting up. This not only passes time creatively but also reveals the edge of the brain (Brain Teaser). Sometimes we have to find something in the pictures and sometimes we get confused with mathematical numbers. This time in the puzzle which is going viral, you have to find a frog.

Well, many times it happens that you want to find something somewhere but that thing is not visible. Something similar is there in today’s puzzle also. Here you can see dried leaves in a ground, among them you have to find a frog. If you complete this work within a time limit, then no one is a bigger genius than you.

Where is the frog in the picture?
This tricky challenge has been shared on Reddit. The view is of the road during monsoon season. Here you can see many dried leaves on a wet ground. At some places, stones are also lying among these dry leaves. All you have to do is find the frog hidden among all this. You have a total of 5 seconds for this work. We hope that you will complete this challenge on time.

Have to find a frog hidden among the leaves. (Credit- Reddit)

If you don’t see a frog…
Well, those who are as sharp as eagles would have completed the challenge by now. Yes, this task is not easy so it is possible that you may not be able to find it in the stipulated time. The hint for you is that the frog will appear towards the bottom of the picture.

Do try it once. (Credit- Reddit)

If your eyes still haven’t reached it, then you can also see the picture of the answer.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Quiz, Viral news

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