You hear the sound of Sai Sai, know how dangerous this disease is.

Ear Tinnitus: Are you also hearing ‘Sai-Sai’ sound coming from your ears, it seems as if someone is whistling in your ears, if yes then be alert immediately, because these can be symptoms of a dangerous disease. This type of sound is a symptom of Tinnitus Disease. If it is not treated in time, there can be a risk of becoming deaf. This can also cause mental problems. Actually, this happens due to disturbance in the ear nerve, which can be reduced by medicine or surgery. However, if there is excessive damage, it can cause trouble while sleeping, waking up or working.

Why does tinnitus occur?

According to experts, sometimes tinnitus can occur due to even a small blockage in the ear. Apart from this, hearing loss due to loud noise, ear infection, sinus infection, heart disease, circulatory system infection, brain tumor, hormonal changes, increase in thyroid can also cause whistling sound in the ears.

When is tinnitus dangerous?

If you ignore this disease again and again, the risk of facial paralysis may increase. Might as well be deaf forever. Many times, being disturbed by this sound, a person may even try to commit suicide. In such a situation, it is important to consult a doctor and get it treated with the help of therapy.

tinnitus treatment

1. Sound Based Therapy

Sound based therapy can be effective in reducing the symptoms of tinnitus. In this, with the help of instruments, the outside sound is amplified and this sound is prevented from reaching the brain. Hearing aids, sound masking devices, customized sound machines or implantable devices are examples of this.

2. Behavioral Therapy

Tinnitus also occurs due to excessive emotional stress, depression, insomnia. To treat this, help of various types of behavior therapy is taken. Efforts are made to get rid of this sound with the help of cognitive behavioral therapy and progressive tinnitus management.

3. Help of medicines

To manage tinnitus, medicines like anti-anxiety drugs, anti-depression are given. Doctors give medicines based on the symptoms.

4. Change in lifestyle

Tinnitus symptoms may increase when you are under mental pressure. To relieve stress and anxiety, attention should be paid to exercise, yoga, meditation, proper diet and better social life.

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