You must have heard of Jalebi but Bharatpur’s Jalewa is famous, this special sweet is not available anywhere else in Rajasthan

Bharatpur: On hearing the name of Bharatpur, the special sweet that comes to mind is not found anywhere else in Rajasthan. The taste and specialty of this sweet is the identity of Bharatpur. This sweet is as soft to eat as it is tasty. Its sweetness and softness gives a different experience. This sweet is made in the city of Bharatpur and is known as Jaleva.

This sweet was once famous in Mewat region
This sweet is very popular in the Mewat region of Bharatpur. It is made as a special sweet in weddings. Apart from the city of Bharatpur, you will not find this sweet anywhere else in Rajasthan. This sweet is considered to be a very popular sweet in the Mewat region. This is a special and special sweet of the Mewati people which is famous in the entire Mewat region for its juicy taste.

This is how the city’s famous sweet is prepared
Jaleva maker Omkar told Local 18 that the process of making Jaleva is as special as its taste. It is prepared from pure oil ghee, maida, sugar and milk. Omkar says that to make this sweet, maida is mixed with hot water a day before. When it is prepared properly, then this solution is put through a cloth and cooked in oil or ghee on low flame. When it is cooked well, then it is dipped in sugar syrup which adds sweetness to it. This entire process is done with patience and skill which makes Jaleva tasty and soft.

The price of this sweet varies

The sweet shops located in the city of Bharatpur prepare this sweet specially. People coming here especially taste it and buy it. This sweet has its own special identity in the whole of Rajasthan and you will not be able to eat it anywhere else except Bharatpur. The price of this sweet varies. Its rate ranges from 60 rupees per kg to the price of Jaleva made in ghee is 300 to 350 rupees per kg.

FIRST PUBLISHED : September 18, 2024, 21:46 IST

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