Young man left his job and joined his father’s business, people are liking Kulhar sweets. – News18 Hindi

Ravindra Kumar/Jhunjhunu. Pushkar Sweets Home, operating in Chuna Chowk of Jhunjhunu, is quite famous for its special sweets and chhena. This sweet made by them is being given to the people to eat in Kulhar. People are very fond of this sweet available in Kulhar in the early days of summer.

Giving information, Tanmay, who is running the shop, said that his father has been doing catering work for the last 35 years. After completing his studies in hotel management, he decided to leave his foreign job and help his father in his business. In which he came back to Jhunjhunu and gave a new look to the sweets made from chenna as per the demand of Jhunjhunu. In which many types of chenna sweets are being made by them. Which people are liking very much.

This is how it is prepared
He told that Pushkar Sweets is paying attention to the health of the customers along with serving them sweets. Here, by mixing Chhena Rabdi fruits, sweets of different flavors and quality are made. Here first cream is extracted from milk, then chhena is mashed well and many sweets are made by adding fruits to the rabri. Here sweets are served to the customers in earthen pots. Tanmay told that chhena is already cold and is served in kulada. Due to which the customer does not have any side effects. They serve sweets in Kulhar for 40 to 50 rupees. Besides, they also have a fast food corner here, so customers can enjoy both fast food and sweets at one place.

Tags: food, food 18, Jhunjhunu news, Local18, Rajasthan news

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