Your heart will tremble, you will shiver, this is what the narrowest city looks like, such buildings are built on the river bank!

If you are asked whether you know about any city which is considered the narrowest in the world? Surely, most people will not know about it. But today we are going to tell you about one such city, where the heart of those who go there will tremble. There will be shivers every moment. This is because this city is situated on both sides of a river flowing between the mountains. Because of this, it has also got the status of the narrowest city. But this city is also not a small one, but it has a population of more than 5 lakhs. The name of this city is Yanjin City, which is situated on both the mouths of the Nanxi River flowing between the mountains. Yanjin City is a major city of China.

A video of this city is going viral on social media, in which you can see that it looks very beautiful. A river is flowing between the mountains, and houses are built on both sides of that river. Some are even big apartments. This city located in Yunnan province of China is considered to be the world’s narrowest city. Seeing this city for the first time, it becomes difficult to believe that such a city really exists on this earth. However, seeing the beauty of this city from the mountains is really amazing. It will look like a part of a film or documentary. But let us tell you that even though it looks very beautiful, it is not easy to live in such a situation.

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