YouTube Playables launched with 75 Games including GTA for ios, android and Web

YouTube Playables: Till now you must have been watching videos and listening to songs on YouTube, but now you will also be able to play games on YouTube. YouTube has started rolling out this new feature for its users. The name of this new feature of YouTube is Playables. YouTube has launched this new Playables feature for Android, iOS and web platforms.

youtube gaming feature

Through this new feature, gamers will now be able to enjoy gaming experience in the YouTube app itself. Actually, through this new feature Playables on YouTube, gamers will be able to watch videos and listen to songs on YouTube as well as play many games, and for that they will not even need to download or install any other gaming app.

Currently, YouTube has made more than 75 games available on its new platform Playables. These games have been divided into many different categories according to the different preferences of people. The list of these games includes the names of many games like Trivia Crack and Angry Birds Showdown.

How to use playables?

YouTube has also created a new destination page for playables for this new feature. Users can use it by going to the Explore menu through the Podcast Hub. After coming to this page, gamers will get a chance to play many games. If you click on any game, the game will start automatically and you will be able to play the game easily.

There are many options available at the top of the interface of every game, including muting, unmuting, saving, etc. For normal YouTube users, the gaming audio will work by default, while for premium users, even if the game audio is muted, the video will continue to play in the background.

Available in which countries?

Youtube Playables has been launched for select users in the United States, Canada, UK and Australia so far. YouTube may roll out this feature for other users and other countries of the world in the next few months.

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