1 kg mawa with one kilo of milk? Insert these secret material while making, lose granular in minutes, know the way

1 kg mawa with one kilo of milk? Insert these secret material while making, lose granular in minutes, know the way

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Fastest Way to Make Khoya from Milk: If you do not want to buy adulterated mawa from the market and it takes more time to make it at home and it is also very low to be lost, then with the help of this trick, you have more quantity in less time with the help of this trick. ..Read more

When you put milk powder in milk, its thickness increases quickly, which makes more mawa in less time. Image: Canva


  • You can easily make 1 kg mawa with 1 kg of milk.
  • By adding milk powder to milk, it is rapidly thick.
  • It is more pure and fresh than the mawa market.

Easy way to prepare mawa in minutes: If you want to make mawa (khoya) at home, but due to lack of time it seems difficult to cook for hours, then we have brought a special way for you. In this way, you can make pure and granular mawa in just a few minutes, that too without any hassle. Its special thing is that by adding a secret ingredients to it, the amount of milk increases, so that the mawa can be prepared from 1 kg of milk. Let’s know about this special way.

Essential Material:
– 1 liter full cream milk
– 2 cups milk powder
– 1 teaspoon ghee

Easy method of making mawa:
First of all, add milk in a heavy bottom pan and heat it on medium flame. When the milk becomes light hot, add 2 cups of milk powder and mix well so that there is no lump. Now cook it while stirring continuously. In a while, milk will start thickening.

When the mixture thickened and starts to look like mawa, add 1 teaspoon of ghee and mix well. Cook it until the mixture becomes completely mawa and starts leaving the pan. Turn off the gas and let the mawa cool down.

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Actually, when you put milk powder in milk, its thickness increases quickly, which makes more mawa in a short time. It is more pure and fresh than the mawa market. It does not contain any kind of chemical or preservatives. Now whenever you need mawa to make sweets, you can prepare pure khoya at home in minutes with this easy method.


1 kg mawa with one kilo of milk? Insert these secret content while making, know how to know

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