11 tips to make vegetables tasty, you can also adopt these and get applause

11 tips to make vegetables tasty, you can also adopt these and get applause

Vegetable Tips. Today we are going to tell you some such tips, using which you can bring a new interesting change in the vegetable. While making chapati, one does not have to take as much care as while making vegetables. Taste, colour, nutritional value etc. of the vegetable have to be taken care of. It is also important to ensure that the vegetable is fresh, free of insects and not containing too many seeds. Sometimes the vegetable turns out to be bitter, like ridge gourd or bottle gourd, it has to be cooked after tasting it, otherwise the taste of the whole vegetable becomes bitter.

Even after working so hard, something or the other is still missing in the vegetable. Or sometimes there is too much salt or pepper. Everyone makes mistakes in the kitchen, but the smart one is the one who finds a way to make everyone go wow. Today we are going to tell you some such methods. Do use them.

Vegetable Tips – Sabji Tips

1 – If there is too much salt in your dal, gravy or gravy vegetable, then make small balls of flour and put it in the vegetable. And after the vegetable comes to a boil, take out the dough balls. Now taste your vegetable, it will be very tasty. If you still feel that the salt is too much, add a plain bread and after boiling, remove the bread once it cools down a bit.

2 – If there is too much chilli in your juicy vegetable or if the vegetable has become spicy due to spices, then add desi ghee or butter to the vegetable. Apart from this, you can also add cream, curd or fresh cream. This will also reduce the chilliness. Grinding a boiled potato and adding it to the vegetable will also reduce the spiciness of the chilli. If there is too much chilli in your dry vegetable, then roast the gram flour a little and mix it in the vegetable. This will increase the taste of your vegetable and also reduce its spiciness.

3 – If the sourness becomes excessive while making vegetable gravy, then add one spoon of sugar in it, this reduces the sourness of the vegetable.

4 – You have to make gram curry, and you have forgotten to soak the gram at night. So put raw papaya pieces along with gram in the cooker. The gram will melt easily. Later, crush the papaya with a spoon and mix it with the gram. Your gram curry will be very tasty.

5 – Vegetables like potato, brinjal etc. turn brown in a short time after cutting. If you cut these vegetables and immediately put them in salt water, the color will not turn brown. To prevent the apple from turning brown when cut, apply lemon juice on it.

6 – Add salt to curd vegetables only after boiling, this will prevent the curd from curdling and cook the vegetables while stirring on medium flame.

7 – While making gram flour kadhi, keep the flame very low and cook it while stirring continuously. Your kadhi will not curdle, and will also become smooth and uniform.

8 – To make paneer curry, after frying the paneer, keep it in hot water for some time, then take it out of the water and cook it in gravy for some time, the paneer will remain soft.

9 – The ridge gourd and bottle gourd should be tasted while cutting. Sometimes it is bitter tasting. Do not use anything that is bitter.

10 – Bhindi vegetable becomes sticky (strings emerge). And the vegetable becomes smooth. To avoid this, add salt after cooking the ladyfinger and also add lemon juice to the vegetable. Due to this, your bhindi curry will not become smooth nor will there be any saliva.

11 –To peel garlic quickly, separate the garlic cloves and put them in water for some time. The peels will not fly away and the garlic will also be cleaned immediately.

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