3 new moons discovered, number of satellites of Uranus and Neptune changed, announcement was not easy,

3 new moons discovered, number of satellites of Uranus and Neptune changed, announcement was not easy,

The gaseous planets of our solar system do not have one or two moons. Their number is in dozens. Recently, astronomers have once again improved their numbers after new discoveries. Now astronomers have discovered two new moons of Neptune and one new moon of Uranus, taking the total to 16 moons of Neptune and 28 moons of Uranus.

Astronomers have named the newly discovered moon of Uranus as S/2023U1. This moon, only 8 kilometers wide, revolves around Uranus in 680 days. The interesting thing is that after two decades a moon of Uranus has been discovered.

After Uranus, astronomers have also discovered two moons of Neptune. Of these, the name of the brightest moon has been given as S/2002N5. This 23 kilometer wide moon makes one revolution around Neptune in 9 years. Whereas S/2021 N1 is only 14 kilometers wide, but it takes 27 years to revolve around Neptune.

The number of moons of gaseous planets in the solar system is very high. (Symbolic photo: Shutterstock)

Astronomers from all over the world are contributing to this discovery. Scientists from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Hawaii University, Kindergarten University have contributed to this discovery. After which the Minor Planet Center of the International Astronomical Union has announced these discoveries.

This discovery was not easy. For this, new technologies were used in which with special image processing, the surroundings of these planets were closely monitored and detailed information about the new moons was obtained. In this, help was also taken from the observatories of Hawaii and Chile along with the Magellan Telescope and the Very Large Telescope of Europe.

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The biggest feature of the new moons is their elliptical orbits. These orbits are quite inclined compared to the planet. Because of this, scientists will be able to gain in-depth information about the formation of new moons in distant planetary systems. And will also be able to understand the process of planet formation better.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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