6 century old epidemic still has its impact, relation found with not just one but many diseases, strange research of scientist

6 century old epidemic still has its impact, relation found with not just one but many diseases, strange research of scientist

Is our human history responsible for today’s health problems? This seems to be the case from a new research. In this strange research, scientists have found that the epidemic called Black Death, which spread among humans 6 centuries ago, is related to the microscopic organisms living in the mouth of humans today. These organisms are responsible for many diseases today like obesity, heart diseases, mental health problems.

The epidemic named Black Death had spread across the world in the 14th century. This is also called the second plague epidemic. Due to this, 30 to 60 percent of the population in Europe was destroyed. Research by Penn State and Adelaide University has come out with the strange result that since then the changed diet and hygiene habits of humans have changed the world of oral germs, i.e. the microbiome, due to which there are many types of health problems in the world today.

Today’s microorganisms are linked to many diseases like obesity, cardiovascular disease, poor mental health etc. Scientists believe that knowing how communities of these small organisms arise will help in understanding and dealing with these diseases. For this, scientists studied the microbiome of the mouth of old humans.

Scientists have found that the root cause of diseases related to modern lifestyle are those bacteria which flourished due to changed diet after the Black Death. (Symbolic photo: Pixabay)

Researchers examined the teeth of human skeletons found in 27 sites in England and Scotland between 2000 BC and 1853 AD, the results of which have been published in Nature Microbiome. They identified 954 microscopic species and divided them into two bacterial groups. One group had more bacteria in the mouth of modern humans and the other in healthy humans of the industrial era.

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The researchers analyzed the DNA of all ancient humans and found that there was at least 11 percent difference between the two types of bacterial communities. This difference was also related to the diet of modern humans and humans before the Black Death plague era. And the bacteria in the microbiome of modern humans were not present in ancient people. And these bacteria are mostly responsible for today’s health problems.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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