6 Tips to tackle junk food habits in your kids

6 Tips to tackle junk food habits in your kids

In the present times, one of the major problems with which almost all parents are facing their children is the habit of eating junk food. As tasty as junk foods look, they are equally dangerous for health. It is worrying that junk foods have taken over the daily diet of children. As a result of this, children have to deal with the increasing epidemic of obesity, which later leads to many types of cancers, ranging from heart diseases, diabetes, blood pressure, high cholesterol and bone diseases.

Mobile addiction has made this problem more frightening. In fact, children are glued to mobile screens for hours, consuming many ultra-processed and high calorie, sugary and fatty junk foods like burgers, pizza, chips or chocolate cookies and live an almost physically inactive lifestyle. Parents also find it an easy task to prepare junk foods and prepare their children to eat them. But perhaps they do not know that with their own hands they are feeding things as dangerous as poison to their children. Junk foods contain very little fiber and too much sugar and salt, which can worsen gut health and also affect immunity. Experts say that not only are the high calories in these foods dangerous, they also contain harmful additives and preservatives, which increases the risk of obesity in children.

The report, published in the medical journal The Lancet, shows that global rates of obesity have quadrupled among children and doubled among adults since 1990. Obesity affects the body’s metabolism and gives rise to many health complications. These include not only physical but also mental illnesses. Changes have also been seen in the behavior of children due to consumption of junk foods. Excessive consumption of these food items is increasing depression, anxiety, aggression in children.

In such a situation, the big question is what should be done so that children do not consume junk food. Experts suggest some practical and effective solutions for this, so that they can understand the importance of consuming healthy foods rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber from an early age instead of junk food.

How to reduce children’s habit of eating junk food?

1. Involve children in cooking: This is the earliest and most interesting solution. By involving children in the entire process from ‘what to make today’ to ‘how to cook’, they can be given information about different nutritious foods. Children will also find this method interesting and can be encouraged to develop healthy food habits while playing.

2. Eliminate snacks from groceries altogether: Be strict in your list of kitchen items and completely remove junk food. Neither will these items be seen nor will children eat. In this way, children can gradually be saved from its addiction. In this way, you should give priority to delicious home-cooked food.

3. Make nutritious food attractive: The biggest problem with nutritious food is that it does not impress children in appearance and they find it distasteful. In such a situation, there is a need to change the methods of serving and preparation. For example, children can be enticed by using fruit cutters or by preparing and serving vegetables in attractive designs.

4. Be an example yourself: Children often copy the behavior of their parents, so if you eat healthy food and keep yourself away from outside things, your children will also be inspired to do the same.

5. Reduce Screen Time: Research shows that excessive screen exposure is linked to increased consumption of unhealthy snacks in children. Limiting screen time can help curb this habit.

6. Provide healthy snacks and breakfast: Whenever your child has a craving for something sweet or salty, give him nutritious alternatives like fruits, nuts or popcorn. This will reduce his inclination towards junk food.

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