A 4000 year old skeleton revealed such a secret that scientists were shocked and said that nuclear war has happened before!

A 4000 year old skeleton revealed such a secret that scientists were shocked and said that nuclear war has happened before!

The nuclear war and nuclear weapons that we talk about are not a new thing. Humanity has faced nuclear attacks in the past as well, and scientists have found evidence of this. They have made this claim after studying 4000 years old human skeletons. They have told such things that you will be surprised to know.

Researchers claim that they have found evidence that a nuclear war took place 1700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. This war even changed the genes of humans. According to the Daily Star report, a scientist named Billy Carson claims that he has found clear evidence of a nuclear explosion.

Skeletons revealed a big secret
A scientist named Billy Carson, who appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast, claimed that he visited the archaeological sites of the Mohenjodaro civilization in Pakistan. Here he found evidence of a nuclear explosion. He said that the buildings have turned into glass and dead bodies are still lying on the streets. In the skeletons that have been found, people are seen holding their hands. This shows that the level of radiation was very high and even animals did not eat them.

Told a different theory …
Billy Carson said that the Mohenjodaro civilization was quite advanced. Although the reason for their sudden end is believed to be asteroids or some external element, Billy says that the bones of the body should be found broken. The skeletons found here are exactly as they are, there are no marks of wounds or collision on them. Billy’s theory is similar to his old theories, in which he said that the earth was started by a species like alien gods. They had done such genetic engineering, due to which humans believe in God.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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