A Hen Named Araucana Lays Blue Eggs In Chile Know The Reason Behind This

A Hen Named Araucana Lays Blue Eggs In Chile Know The Reason Behind This

Blue Egg: Whether you eat eggs or not, you must be aware that the hen’s egg is white in colour. However, there is a slight yellowness on the eggs of native hen. Usually it is also called almost white. By the way, eggs are also of black color and these black colored eggs are considered a treasure of health. The eggs of Kadaknath chicken are black.

These are very rare, hence they are expensive. But if someone tells you that there are blue eggs too, would you believe it? Yes, there is a country in the world where hens lay blue eggs. Perhaps you must be thinking that where do you get these eggs and who would eat them? Actually, there is a special reason behind the color of the eggs being blue. let’s know

The hen of this country lays blue eggs

Actually, the special blue colored eggs belong to a creature called Araucana. The blue colored egg is found in the country of Chile. It is believed that due to virus attacks, the color of the egg turns blue. This hen was first seen here in the year 1914. Spanish ornithologist Salvador Castell had seen this hen. This chicken was seen in the Araucanía region of Chile. That’s why it was named Araucana. According to scientists, this is a variety of domestic chicken.

Eggs change color due to virus

According to scientists, the blue color of eggs is due to retrovirus attack. These are single RNA viruses. Retroviruses enter chickens and change the structure of their genome. These are called EAV-HP. Due to the change in the structure of genes, the color of chicken eggs changes. However, despite the virus, they are safe to eat. Because viruses only affect the outer structure of eggs. In European countries and America, this chicken and its eggs are eaten with great enthusiasm.

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