A mountain of gold is imprisoned in this American building, commandos provide 24-hour security

A mountain of gold is imprisoned in this American building, commandos provide 24-hour security

Gold is considered auspicious in India. That is why you will find gold in almost every house here. But do you know about a building in America where there is so much gold that if it comes to India, the whole of Delhi can wear gold ornaments? Let us tell you today in this article about the building in America where the mountain of gold is hidden.

What is the name of the building

We The name of the building we are talking about is Fort Knox. It is in the Kentucky state of America. The security here is so strong that it is considered one of the safest places in the world. Superpower America keeps a large reserve of its country’s gold here.

Let us tell you, Fort Knox Building was established in 1936. When it was built it was a military base. It is said that this building was named after Henry Knox, who was America’s first Secretary of War. However, after the Second World War, this place started being used for storing gold instead of a military base.

How much gold is there in Fort Knox

According to the official website of the United States Mint, Fort Knox currently holds approximately 147 million ounces of gold. If we convert it into tonnes then it will be approximately 4175 tonnes. The main building where the gold is kept in Fort Knox "gold depository" It is said. The walls of the Gold Depository, built in 1941, are made of concrete and steel. These walls are about 3 feet thick. Its main gate weighs about 20 tonnes. This means that if someone wants to take even a single gold brick from this building, he will have to chew iron grams.

How is the security of Fort Knox

If we talk about the security of Fort Knox, the American Army is deployed for it. Some of the most special and special commandos of the US Army are deployed for its security. According to reports, Fort Knox has several security levels, which include military security, technical security, and commando security. To ensure that there is no breach in the security of the building, military contingents are changed secretly from time to time.

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