A new recipe has been found to stay young forever, there is no need to eat anything special, you will have to do this work

A new recipe has been found to stay young forever, there is no need to eat anything special, you will have to do this work

A lot of research has been done to slow down the pace of aging. In this, sometimes some diet is said to be effective and in others, a special way of exercising is suggested. But the new study has yielded a unique result. In this, along with improving the health of the brain, the life span is longer and the brain also does not age quickly, which means that the youth of the person also remains.

In this interesting study, scientists emphasized the role of controlling diet, i.e. eating less food, and tried to find out what effect it has on these things. Researchers said that when people limited the amount of food, it would have affected their digestion and body fat, but not their brain. It has a deeper connection with a gene named OXR1.

In studies conducted on flies and human cells, scientists discovered how dietary restriction slows the aging process and works to prevent brain diseases. They say that activities like reducing calories or intermittent fasting increase the levels of this gene.

Keeping the dosage under control affects specific genes of the brain. (Symbolic photo: Pixabay)

In a study published in Nature Communications, scientists at the Buck Institute have found that this gene aging plays an important role in preventing many brain disorders. They studied 200 strains of flies and identified five genes, two of which were similar to human genes. Reduction in all these doses has a significant impact on longevity. Human OXR1 was special in this also.

The deficiency of this OXR causes many neurological defects in humans, including early death. However, its increase has the opposite effect. The biggest result of the study was how OXR1 genes slow down the aging process of the brain.

Researchers say that eating less actually increases the function of those proteins and increases the expression of the OXR1 gene. This increases lifespan. Humans remain young for a long time because the aging process of the brain slows down.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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