A person speaks these 3 words before dying! The nurse herself revealed what the patient said in his last moments…

A person always speaks the truth at the time of death. But many people would like to know how a person feels at the time of death? What do you think? What are his last words? A nurse has revealed this. He told which words most people speak while dying. What do you feel? What do they see?

Los Angeles-based nurse Julie told these things through her social media account. Julie, who works as a nurse in the hospital, told people on social media that she has heard most of the patients saying the same thing in the last moments. Not only this, according to him, when death is near, people remember only certain things.

What does a person see while dying?
Nurse Julie, while talking about death with the handle @hospicenursejulie, has said that she often sees that people see something before they die. Most of these people see the souls of their loved ones, who have left this world. Some people also see angels. Some people consider it as homecoming. During this time, their breathing pattern starts changing and the color of their skin also starts changing. These are signs visible a few hours before death.

Most people say 3 words
Julie has also told that dying people often look at their loved ones and remember the good times. Seeing the souls of the deceased people of the house, he says that he is returning to them. The word he speaks the most is – I love you or I love you very much. They leave this world only after calling their mother or father.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, amazing facts, Viral news

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