A pint-sized fish has 24 eyes, scientists are also surprised to see! After all, what do you see from them…

A pint-sized fish has 24 eyes, scientists are also surprised to see!  After all, what do you see from them…

Just as we do not know each and every one of the creatures found in every corner of the earth, in the same way it is difficult to know the thousands of species of creatures found inside the ocean. Although biologists have identified many species, but there are still many such creatures, when they are found, their life-investigation begins. One such fish has been found in Hong Kong, which has stunned even the scientists.

According to the report of Mirror, scientists of Hong Kong Baptist University have found a species of jellyfish, which has surprised everyone with its looks. The team of researchers along with WWF-Hong Kong, Ocean Park Hong Kong and University of Manchester have started doing more research about it.

size 1 inch and eyes 24
According to scientists, this creature comes from the jellyfish family and its length is less than an inch. Its body has total 3 tentacles but eyes are 24. The 24 eyes of the fish are also in 4 groups of 6 eyes each. This set of 6-6 eyes is present in the sensory depression present on each belly side of the fish. There are only 2 eyes present in each group, which have lenses, only light can be sensed from the rest of the eyes. At the end of their tentacles, a paddle-like shape is made and they do not have any color. One can see through them like water.

Fish named Tripedalia
According to Professor Q, the fish has been named Tripedalia. According to him, this type of box jellyfish is also found in Jamaica, Florida, Singapore, Australia and India. Their total 49 species are found all over the world. If we talk about the seas around China, then they are in very small numbers there and people are less familiar with them.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, amazing facts, Weird news

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