Often such secret places were made in old houses, in which the earlier people could hide their important things or keep them safely. This used to be a room, cupboard, or basement under the ground. But after the owners of the house pass away, many times the next generation does not know about it. But when it is revealed, everyone is surprised. Something similar happened with a family, when they came to know that the house in which they have been living for 20 years has a hidden closet (Hidden closet in house). As soon as they opened this closet for the first time, they were shocked because many things related to old times were present in this closet.
A user wrote a post on Reddit and asked people about their experiences. In the photo below, another user commented and shared his experience. (Photo: Reddit)
There is a group on the social media platform Reddit, r/AskReddit. In this group, 5 years ago, a person asked the other users if they ever found a hidden place or room in their house? How long were you living in that house before finding it? What did you find in the house? Thousands of comments came on this post and everyone revealed surprising things related to their house.

In the closet was a newspaper from the day after the Pearl Harbor attack. (Photo: Imgur)
A secret cupboard was found in the house after 20 years
But one comment was quite shocking. A user named @qbeanz replied that one day he suddenly found out that there was a secret cupboard in the basement of the house in which he had been living for 20 years. As soon as the family opened that cupboard, they found some very surprising things in it.

There were also photos of unknown people in the cupboard. (Photo: Imgur)
Such as some personal documents, a newspaper after the Pearl Harbor attack on America, some photographs and a hand-drawn cartoon. The user said that he will also try to find the people seen in the picture. However, he does not know who they are.
People replied to the user’s comment
Many people replied to this user’s comment and tried to know many things from it. The user imgur Shared photos of things found in the house on another platform named.
Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news
FIRST PUBLISHED : June 15, 2024, 13:29 IST