A small organ of the stomach had to be removed, a liver 10 times heavier was removed, the patient died, the surgeon’s license was cancelled.

A small organ of the stomach had to be removed, a liver 10 times heavier was removed, the patient died, the surgeon’s license was cancelled.

You must have heard many stories regarding negligence in the medical field. But this is a bit too strange. A surgeon, who is considered a highly educated and experienced professional, has been accused of removing the liver of a patient instead of removing his spleen. Due to which he died. The situation was such that during investigation it was found that such mistakes were made repeatedly by surgeons and ultimately this doctor’s license of Florida, America was cancelled.

Thomas Schakowsky was a practicing osteopathic physician at Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast Hospital in Florida. This Pensacola doctor has now been accused of performing a botched surgery. One person’s liver was removed instead of his spleen, resulting in his death.

Schakowsky is now accused of “repeated serious surgical mistakes” in the death of 70-year-old William Bryan on August 21. Brian was having pain in the lower left part of his stomach. Examination revealed a suspiciously enlarged spleen and blood in his peritoneum. After which a decision had to be taken to operate. Brian died on the table during the operation and the official cause of his death was given as ‘splenic artery aneurysm’.

Liver and spleen are two very different organs. (Photo: Wikipedia)

Surprisingly, even many non-medical professionals know that the liver is located in the upper right part of a person’s abdomen, below the diaphragm, above the right kidney and intestines. A person’s spleen is located in the upper left part of a person’s abdomen, next to the stomach and is much smaller than the liver.

After the operation, Shakanowski asked the staff to label the removed liver as a spleen and send it for testing. Shakanowski is also accused of “serious conduct involving falsification of medical records.”

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The autopsy revealed that Brian’s liver was gone and his spleen was still in his body, with a cyst attached to it. It was told that there was some bleeding around this cyst, but it was not a fatal problem, which would have been very easy to treat.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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