A substance has been found that will change the whole world… Scientists are calling this superconductor a wonder

A substance has been found that will change the whole world… Scientists are calling this superconductor a wonder

The Earth is changing fast. The closer a person is going to modernity, he is getting new resources through which he is making his comforts and facilities more hi-tech. However, there is one thing in the midst of all this, which will be needed from beginning to end…that is energy. Development cannot move forward without energy, but now man has started thinking beyond solar energy and electric energy.  In this episode, scientists have discovered such a superconductor material which will create a new revolution in the world of energy and electronics. Today in this article we will tell you about the same superconductor.

Electricity grid will be faster

The new superconductor which scientists have discovered is special for the electricity grid. Yes… It is being said that due to its use in the future, a very fast pace will be seen in the use of electricity. Assistant Professor Ranga Dias and his team mates from the University of Rochester in New York claim that they have created a material that can become a superconductor at only 20 °C.

Great work under low pressure< /h3>

Researchers say that hydrogen, nitrogen and lutetium have been mixed in making this substance. For this, a pressure of one gigapascal is required at this temperature, which is ten thousand times more than the atmospheric pressure on the surface of the earth. However, this is a much lower pressure than previous superconductor materials. Scientists say that this will be a very forward thing in today’s time. That is, you can also call it futuristic.

How will it benefit you

This superconductor will benefit humans a lot… in electronics, energy transfer, distribution and other big works This will give a great change. The arrival of this superconductor will not create any hindrance in the transfer of electricity. Due to this, loss of energy of at least 20 crore MW will be avoided. Apart from this, big changes will also be seen in the field of medicine. For example, imaging and scanning techniques such as MRA and magnetocardiography will become more advanced.

Also read: Can men really not live without a life partner? Surprising revelations in the research

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